Ilma, after living in the United States for a long time, now resides on a small island in Landsmeer (near Amsterdam). “Through the canal and two bridges, I find myself on my own holiday island here, but I still love to travel. It runs in the family; my mother was adventurous throughout her life.” After a period of caregiving, her mother passed away, and 5 years ago, she lost her husband after a long illness. Shortly thereafter, her son also passed away unexpectedly. “Sometimes I think, what have I done to deserve this? But I don’t necessarily want to talk about it all the time.” Klup, the social platform for people over 50, provided a solution. “There are no obligations, and everything is allowed during Klup outings. It brings me so much fulfillment, and I wish that for everyone.”
Similar experiences and like-minded people
“My husband loved being on the water, and he enjoyed snowboarding. We were always on the go together. We had an active life. I’m originally from Landsmeer but had lived in the United States for over 25 years with my first husband and our son before I moved back for my second love. My husband was ill for two and a half years. So, it wasn’t a surprise when he passed away, but it still felt strange that I had completely changed my life for this man, and then suddenly he wasn’t there anymore.”
“I maintain many contacts through Facebook, and that’s how I came across a Klup outing. I joined a boating trip and struck up a conversation with the ladies on board. That’s when I realized we all had similar experiences. That was the beginning of my addiction. I’m not into cultural outings as much, but I enjoy walking and cycling in my own region. It’s casual and nice to be with each other. Klup is a lifesaver for everyone because, of course, we all have acquaintances, but they often consist of couples. And it’s nice to do these things with people who are also single.”
Organizing an activity yourself
“For me, it’s about distraction and social connections. You just have to take a look at the app, and you can find something to do. After all that caregiving, I wanted to go outside again, be among people, and experience the joy of life. With Klup, you can either join existing events or organize something yourself. After my husband passed away, I obtained my boating license. Now I can sail on my own. Before that, I didn’t even know how to start a boat. So, I organized a bike-boat trip for fourteen people in the nature areas near my place, along with explanations about the birds in the area, the soil, and how everything came to be. After the boat trip, we had apple pie and coffee and then hopped on our bikes.
If you want to organize something, you simply provide all the information on the app: the distance you’ll cover, where and when to gather, the maximum number of participants. Others can sign up for your activity, and if you think someone you know would also enjoy it, you can send them a message within the app.”
You can share what you want to share
“When you have arranged to meet somewhere, as soon as you walk in, you immediately see who the kluppers are. I don’t know how it happens, maybe because we’re in the same boat. There’s no need to break the ice; there’s an instant connection. My social life is so enjoyable. We’re like a family. Everyone here has the same last name: klupper. In the beginning, I found it difficult when people asked if I have children. Now I have found a way to handle it. In such moments, I mention that I had a son who passed away. And then I ask if we can leave it at that because we’re on a pleasant outing. Everyone has unpacked their baggage, but we don’t always have to talk about it. Everyone understands and respects that. You can share what you want to share.”
“Everyone here has the same last name: klupper.”
Ilma’s advice
“On days that are extra difficult, like Mother’s Day, Klup also organizes things. The nice thing is, you don’t have to invest as much. It’s different with acquaintances and friends. You don’t have to ask for everything or maintain a balance here. Nothing is obligatory, and everything is allowed in Klup. And that’s why I always laugh. If you have space in your life, if you’re ready for it, Klup can bring you that joy. It gives me so much fulfillment, and I wish that for everyone. My advice: make the most of it, because you never know what will happen.”